Helping Youth To Find Their Voice
High Expectations

High Expectations

High Expectations?The topic for the month of June is “High Expectations: What We Expect from Our Children”. A lot of young people that I’ve spoken with said that “Parents need to let us do our thing. Let us be strong, let us experience life on our own terms and let us share our dreams with you. And believe that whatever we do, it’s o.k. with you. Just trust and believe that no matter what path we choose to go its o.k…”

I understand what you’re saying but when we say we expect this from you or we expect that from you, we’re saying that we want you to be the best you can be. We’re not trying to rebuild you, change you or mold you. What we’re trying to do is put some insight into your mind to make you think about what you can be; Not where you should be or need to be. You can be or do anything that you want to do, but have a clear mind when you do it. Don’t be a follower. Be who you want to be.

What I see in today’s society is a lot of peer pressure. There are many of who if they are not like “this person” you’re not accepted. Or if you want to be a part of this group, you have to act this way. You don’t have to do that. You don’t have to be anybody but yourself. Be someone who others want to follow; not be a follower because others will lead you to a place where you won’t want to be.

Expecting the best from you is a wonderful thing that you should want for yourself. You want to be better; you want to be the best. You don’t want to sit on the side waiting for someone to acknowledge that you are somebody. You let them know you are somebody because you have high expectations for yourself. Yes, parents can put a lot on their children and we can say “we want this out of you” or “we want you to do this”; but at the same time, speak up to us. Tell us, “Wait a minute, can we talk? I don’t really like playing basketball… I don’t like playing football” and then tell them what you would like to do.

Don’t think we don’t want to listen or we’re not trying to hear you because that is a part of being a parent and that is a part of loving you. Give us the chance to love you and support you. Believe that we want the best for you. We want you to be who you want to be even when you don’t think we do. Help us understand, that’s all.

High expectations –Yes, we’re guilty of pushing you to the limits so you can be the best you want to be, but communication is the key. Just remember that we are your parents and we been some places you haven’t been. Give us the opportunity to listen to you. Listen to us, we may not be as bad as you think.

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